Dienstag, 19. Juli 2011

Ich bin ja sooo cool!

Well it's good to hear your voice
I hope you're doing fine,
And if you ever wonder
I'm lonely here tonight
I'm lost here in this moment
And time keeps slippin' by
And if I could have just one wish, I'd have you by my side.
Ohhou, I miss you, Ohhou, I need you.
And I love you more than I did before,
And if today I don't see you're face
Nothin's changed no one can take you're place,
It gets harder every day.
Say you love me more than you did before
And I'm sorry it's this way.
But I'm comin' home, I'll be comin' home
And if you ask me I will stay, I will stay.

Ich liebe dich und das wird sich auch nicht ändern!

1 Kommentar:

  1. Die Bilder sind echt gut!
    Und der Text macht mich echt traurig..gibt jemanden,den ich seehr vermisse :(
    Lieben Gruß x
